A review by bookph1le
Blacktop Wasteland by S.A. Cosby


4.5 stars

So I don't care about cars. At all. And I'm also not too fond of action movies. So that's why I resisted reading this book for so long, even though I kept hearing good things about it. I should have read it sooner.

I think it is worth noting that this book is very violent. That said, I didn't find the violence gratuitous, though it was definitely shocking at times. But this is a story of extremely morally compromised characters, for the most part. It poses a lot of important and relevant questions about the forces that direct people into a life of crime, and that then keep pulling them under even when they try to escape. There are a lot of other issues baked into this as well, such as racism and poverty. All of it feels very natural, and you feel every bit of it because this is a book that grabs you and pulls you right into its narrative.

The characterization in this novel is magnificent as well, so good that it forces you to sit in the discomfort created by the dissonance between the things Bug does and your understanding of why he does them.

I will definitely read more by this author.