A review by punkeymonkey529
The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook: Wickedly Good Meals and Desserts to Die for by


This is a review for Quirk Books as part of their blogger team. Thank you guys.

First I was going to add a video along with this of me semi-preparing one of the recipes, and a review of it..but I recorded it on my tablet, and well I'm not to good with videos. The file was too big for all the editing software I tried. (I admit I didn't try very hard with editing the video,but it's not the most important thing. I can still put in my word about it. :) ) I did only cook one thing from the book right now, I'll make more later.
OK, I made Karen Haper's Zucchini Bread. I chose this because it was cheap,easy,and well I like zucchini. I did really enjoy it. As I was making it I kept thinking I was doing something wrong, and prayed it would turn out correctly. When I pulled it out of the oven I was glad it came out. The only issue I had was it stuck to the bottom of the pan a little. I did grease it like I was supposed to, but like I said I'm just not the baker type really.
I also made quite a mess making it. Book is already soiled...oops. well it's a cookbook that's going to happen.

I flipped through the book, and was really impressed. I was trying not to drool over some of the pictures of the stuff I would eat. Some stuff I know I wont make, just either I won't eat it, or well I also don't have anyone to cook for in general.
This book is really well laid out into categories,and many well known authors have put in their favorite recipes. Pick this up if you're hungry. preferably for food. Feed your hungry for murder and mystery with food inspired by your favorite authors,and feed your hungry for murder and mystery with a book from your favorite mystery author.