A review by hisham
Mothership Zeta: Issue 3 by Elizabeth Leggett, Alexis A. Hunter, Rachael Acks, Mur Lafferty, Dan Malakin, Naru Dames Sundar, A.T. Greenblatt, Aaron Canton, Alex Acks, Laura Pearlman, Cassandra Khaw, Pamela L. Gay, James Patrick Kelly, Karen Bovenmyer, Sunil Patel, Adam Gallardo


Awesome! Every story and non-fic piece in this issue were fantastic, I'm just going to give a shortlist of the ones I loved the most!

A Man Most Imperiled by Dan Malakin - ALL HAIL ZIRCON, THE PROTAGONISST! I love the main character, Zircon so much! This story feels like it's been ripped out of the 50/60's and then beamed by atomic lasers straight into my heart!

The Smoke Job by Aaron Canton - This is an Urban Fantasy short story. Think of it like an episode of TV show Hustle or Leverage - but with Dragons and Vampires and Witches. Go and read this now, you can thank me for telling you about it later. Seriously, make sure you thank me I'M WAITING!

Astronauts Prepping To Be The Martian: They Build Things And Grow Things... In Space! by Dr. Pamela Gay - Another great non-fic article by Dr. Pamela Gay. I hope the Mothership gets her to write more like this! Are you listening Mothership Zeta Crew? MORE DR. PAMELA GAY!!!!

Some Things I Probably Should Have Mentioned Earlier by Laura Pearlman - A story told in the form of a farewell letter. This story is worth it for the payoff in the last paragraph - TRUST ME!

A Non-Hero's Guide To The Road Of Monsters by A. T. Greenblatt - Another Urban Fantasy(ish) short story. This is glorious. Funny and charming! Also, it contains awesome monsters.

Anyway, those were my absolute favourite stories from issue 3. The one's I can't quite choose an absolute favourite over any other. It's also about 75-80% of the content in the issue, which says a LOT about the high quality of this ezine!

If you only read ONE quarterly SF/F story magazine, Buy and Read Mothership Zeta! If you don't read any - Buy it anyway, the gender you find most attractive will think you are a sexiness embodied if you do - *that's a true fact!

(*Not a true fact, but it SHOULD be!)