A review by lauriereadsrom1
Dear Future Ex-wife by Jillian Quinn


"Dear Future Ex-Wife" by Jillian Quinn was a fun, flirty, steamy frenemies-to-lovers romance that I enjoyed and would recommend. What made it extra special for me was that it was mostly set in Philadelphia, which is pretty unique in my experience so far with contemporary romance. I'm a proud Philly girl by birth, so I loved seeing my city represented and had a lot of fun imagining being back home as the characters went about their daily lives.

The main characters of this story, Nate and Harley, were both very likeable and well-developed. I really appreciated that Nate treated Harley as an equal and made such an effort to recognize her artistic talents, especially since her own father largely ignored them. Harley's wish for her father to finally see her was one of the main reasons she agreed to marry Nate, but she was also smart enough to realize that she could benefit from the arrangement as well by negotiating a well-deserved promotion into the deal.

I loved Harley and Nate's amusing banter and how they constantly teased each other, as well as the slow burn of their relationship development as Harley, especially, tried to resist her reawakening romantic feelings for Nate. It was easy to see how strong their attraction was even after so many years apart, and I couldn't wait for them to finally give in to it. When they did, I thought my Kindle might actually combust!

The book's secondary characters, mainly Nate and Harley's group of friends, were also a tremendous amount of fun, though I have to admit to wondering how some of them stayed employed given how much they all went out partying and drinking. That said, they were all quite likeable, and I could easily see several of them starring in future books of their own.

*ARC provided by the author via Xpresso Book Tours. All opinions expressed are my own.