A review by bethreadsandnaps
Look In the Mirror by Catherine Steadman


3.5 stars, rounded up

I was all-in on Catherine Steadman's latest LOOK IN THE MIRROR (publishes July 30, 2024). Shortly after Nina's father passes away, she finds out that she's inheriting an incredible, unique house of his on the British Virgin Islands. I love a creepy house even in a tropical setting! 

At the same time, we are introduced to Maria, who is a medical student that also freelances as a high-priced nanny (interesting combo), and she is working at the house on a 10-day stint; however, her charges haven't yet arrived. The mysterious locked room she's not allowed into has a glitch and unlocks. And while Maria is smart, she's not immune to curiosity... 

As I said, the premise was unique and fabulous. About halfway in, the novel lost some steam for me. What I did like is that there wasn't insane twist after insane twist. If you're in on the premise, then the rest of the story seems plausible, at least to me. I think the second-half problem FOR ME was that the novel then had an identity crisis. Is it an escape/locked room thriller? Is it an origin story? Is it a mystery? It becomes a little bit of everything, and I think I would have preferred the author to pick a lane. 

Personally I have read almost all of Steadman's novels, and her others have all been just okay for me. This is actually my favorite by her, but it's still not a 5 star experience for me.