A review by thoroughlymodernreviewer
Doctor Who: What Lies Inside? by Lauren Mooney, Stewart Pringle, John Dorney


As someone who generally prefers it when Big Finish does more serialized boxsets, “What Lies Inside” doesn’t quite hit the spot the way that a series like “Stranded” did. But as a collection of two standalone stories, it’s pretty solid.

“The Dalek Paradox” is easily the standout here. A two-part story with a delightful (if somewhat pedestrian) time loop of a plot, “The Dalek Paradox” doesn’t necessarily do anything new with its premise or with its titular villains. But it is so much fun. John Dorney clearly had a lot of fun with the script, especially with some of the Dalek dialogue. But no spoilers from me. On the whole, it’s a very classic “Doctor Who” romp. (4/5 stars)

“The Daley Spook,” on the other hand, is a bit more of a mixed bag for me. The idea is really neat, and it’s inspired by the true story of Jeff the Talking Mongoose. But I’m just not sure the story fully came together as well as it could’ve. That being said, there are some lovely character beats for all three of our leads, and “Jeff” is an absolute delight. (3/5 stars)

On the whole, if you’re longing for more standalone Eighth Doctor adventures after years of serialized boxsets, then “What Lies Inside” perfectly hits the spot.