A review by clair_82
The Kindred Killers by Graham Smith


The Kindred Killers is the second book in the Jake Boulder series - it's not essential that you read the first book as Graham Smith refers to the past without excluding new readers, but I think that reading the first would give you a better understanding of Jake.

The Kindred Killers starts off with the horrific torture and murder of Jake's best friend, Alfonse's cousin, his wife and their children. Alfonse calls on the help of Jake to find their murderers as the local police are still as incompetent as ever! The difficulty is that there are no leads; the victims were well-liked within their jobs and the local community so Jake and Alfonse need to establish who would want to do such a brutal thing to a family? When another person goes missing, it starts to appear as though this isn't an isolated murder....why are the people of Casperton being targeted in such a brutal manner?

The crimes in this book are absolutely horrific however Graham Smith has handled this sensitively and without gratuity. There is enough build up leading up to the deaths and detail shared postmortem to truly portray the horrendous death that the victims have experienced but without all the actual gory details.

The Kindred Killers is a fast-paced investigation which is sadly, very relevant in today's society. Graham Smith's writing draws you in and is addictive through to the end. There is so much action in this book that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. But we also see a sensitive side to Jake, both through his new relationship and his trade-off with his psychiatrist of sharing his feelings versus obtaining an insight the warped mind of the murder/ers.

This is only the second outing for Jake Boulder, but it has all the hallmarks of a great, long-running series. I'm hoping that there is a book three very soon!