A review by martinhm
The Philosophy of Marx by Étienne Balibar


As the title suggests, this book is more about the philosophy of Marx than his politics, whatever that may mean. The author seems to explain the contrast between Marx's own writings and Marxist writings. It was honestly a tedious book. I started reading it in summer and even now I didn't bother reading the Afterword or Appendix because of how long, dry and complicated they are.

At times Balibar can be insightful and authoritative, and his writing is clear. But this book is for people comfortable in philosophy and philosophical terms, familiar with the Frankfurt School and already read Marx and even Hegel. I'm not those people so I definitely struggled to follow many parts of the book.

I really don't know what to rate this book, because it isn't necessarily bad or difficult, just tedious and at times dry/boring.