A review by caseroo7
Combust by K. Bromberg


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I am a huge fan of K. Bromberg's and Combust once again proved why she is an auto-buy author for me. I just loved this story and once I started, I couldn't stop reading. The characters were great and so was the story, and I think fans of hers as well as new readers are going to love this one!

Combust is the second book in the Everyday Heroes series of standalones and this story features Grady Malone and Dylan McCoy. When Dylan finds her star boyfriend in bed with someone else, she wants nothing more than to get away from him. But her agent needs her to keep their breakup on the down-low and finish the album that they are under contract to make together before anyone finds out. Needing to get out of town, she heads to Sunnyville where her brother hooks her up with a roommate in the form of a sexy firefighter that she can't help but want. Each of them have their own reasons for wanting to keep things casual, but neither of them can stop what is happening between them, especially when a visitor shows up and changes everything.

I loved Grady and Dylan. Each one had their own scars and vulnerabilities due to things that they had faced, and they both needed each other. I felt for both of them, and I was glad that they founbd each other. Their connection went so far beyond just the attraction and chemistry that was there from the start with them, and I loved how each one was supportive and encouraging of the other. They were so good for one another, and I really felt like they were meant to be together.

Overall, I loved this book and the cast of characters in this world that K. Bromberg has created. I can't wait to read more, and I know Bromberg won't disappoint. She is such a talented writer and is one that I always recommend to readers that enjoy contemporary romance. If you are a fan of hers, you will definitely want to check this one out and if you are new to her this is a great one to start with though you can't go wrong with anything that she has written!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**