A review by littlebookterror
The Professor Next Door by Jackie Lau



very happy to end this series (for now) on a more positive note. Definitely my favourite of the Cider Bar Sisters as it currently stands but I still prefer the Kwan Sisters/Fong Brothers.

Nicole is one of her stronger characters and I enjoyed being in her head and watching her reluctantly fall for David who in turn is pretty much on board with anything as soon as he sees her, lol. While I don't think I will ever be a massive fan of Lau's writing style, her handling of miscommunication is something I really enjoy. And I don't mean this in the way people often complain about this as a trope, but in the way Lau allows both characters to make assumptions based on their lives and misspeak at times so that there is tension without exaggerating its intended purpose.

It's a classic trope but I also do enjoy it when the friendly, nerdy character is not afraid to get adventurous in bed. It worked well for this story even if I think it could have been used even more to deepen the romance but that's what I often think with her books: it could have done a little more, dug a little deeper.

This is also a rare occurrence where I enjoyed the meddling grandmother. Po Po was a lot of fun and unpredictable to the otherwise tame plot and her bonding with David was precious. Kelsey's presence and commentary also alleviated my usual problems as she was often a voice of reason or explanation when needed and all of the side characters were trying to not overstep boundaries.