A review by ellejayz
The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance by Trisha Telep


Like most people reviewing this there where definitely stories I liked and stories I didn't but I only found myself skipping through the pages on two stories that seemed to include fanciful details that where uninteresting and seemed unrelated. I definitely skipped the last story though. A definite warning to everyone reading that the last story in the book is drastically different and sticks out like a sore thumb!

I thoroughly enjoyed a lot of them and I couldn't pick a favourite! I was surprised about the length of them and the quantity. I'd assume this was going to be a quick read but in fact took me longer than normal to get through them.

I'd say nearly all the books where of high quality and although I am not a grammar fan, I didn't find that any of them where badly written. The plots where quick and although there was definitely some cringe-worthy clichés, if you are a fan of the Vampire Romance genre, then you have to accept them!

I liked the balance between the more romantic stories and the more action-y ones and I have to say quite a few of them made me want more! I actually searched out the authors for more of their work as I enjoyed them that much!

It gets four stars as although I think it was a great compilation of Vampire Romance stories, I wouldn't call it truly "Mammoth" and I definitely would of put a more varied type of plot in there. I know there is only so much one can do with the whole Vampire Romance but even though some stories stayed unfinished in a way, most of them had a happy ending.

(I should point out that I am a huge fan of short stories and I've read A LOT so where others may not like the fact they don't have a beginning or an end - it's common place in a lot of short stories.)