A review by ari_at_the_bookish_coven
Religion: A Discovery in Comics by Margreet de Heer


[a:Margreet de Heer|744606|Margreet de Heer|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1345254782p2/744606.jpg] is one talented cartoonist: in the form of a comic book, she discusses the five main religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism), adding her personal opinion of course.

Describing the story of a religion can be a sensitive subject as it's quite easy to offend people. The artist herself, acknowledges that she has to walk "on eggshells" trying to do this. The cartoons were nicely done, the end result being both cute and funny.
Overall, I liked the way this was presented and I found it quite informative as well.