A review by mogie
The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness


Seriously. Awesome. Being a series, you kind of think you know what's going on and you know the characters and can predict what their choices will be and how they will respond to whatever is thrown at them. You think you know how they are going to move the plot along. But in this book, you don't know. It's so different from the first one with new struggles and confusion that the characters take you by surprise. They are constantly faced with decisions that will completely change their life and well being and that of others they both love and hate no matter what direction they choose. Todd becomes a new person--a man--who is trying to forget who he was while at the same time desperately trying to hold on. Separated, you can see how much Todd and Viola need each other, but you see how strong they can be on their own, in the face of their enemies. There is tremendous growth with their relationship as they discover just how much one means to the other. Agh! Loooooove it!!!