A review by rachelcdm
A Company of Swans by Eva Ibbotson


This was a re-read.

In all honesty I needed something a little bit more upbeat after gruelling through five of the ASOIF novels. This, my friend, is exactly what the doctor ordered.

Is it sappy? Yes.
Is it bordering sickly sweet? Yes.
Is it beautifully written? Yes.
Did I enjoy every minute of it? Hell to the yes.

I love Eva Ibbotsen's books and this one is no different.

Both of the central characters in this book are supposed to be "smart" yet a lot of the conflict is based on the fact that they don't communicate with each other and therefore make ridiculous assumptions, I don't care though, it added to the suspense and drama.

Overall, don't expect anything too deep to come from this book. Just appreciate it for what it is, a well-written romance set in 1912.

Beautiful :)