A review by typewriterjess
The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas


This should have been titled "In Which Everything Goes Kaput for our Fine Heroes". This was quite the apocalypse of the musketeers. If you're a big fan of The Three Musketeers, I don't recommend reading this rather long account of doom and despair. Our fine fellows make some very bad decisions, especially Aramis (shame on you, man! Shaaaame!) which *SPOILER* leads to ALL of their deaths! I was really, really not expecting that, and, d'Artagnan aside, THEY DIE REALLY STUPID DEATHS. Athos' death is probably the saddest death I have ever read, aside from a few characters in Dickens' The Old Curiousity Shop. I cried for a long time. This book is concentrated pain, and I do not recommend reading it.