A review by rkking
A Darkness At Sethanon by Raymond E. Feist


 The finale to the Riftwar Cycle (though just barely beginning the Riftwar Saga as a whole, there's like 20 something books in this series!), A Darkness At Sethanon sees the culmination of what was built in the previous 3 books begin to show itself.
I'm rating it a 4 because of the parts I really enjoyed, but in reality it'd be a 3.5 because of the parts I found quite slow. This book is kind of split into two separate plots, one of Arutha/Jimmy & co, and one of Pug/Thomas/Macros on their journey to discover who/what the "Enemy" really is. The Pug/Thomas part of the story I enjoyed immensely, as it includes a lot of great world building & even a wonderfully described journey through time itself.
But, although I enjoy the characters of Arutha and Jimmy, their plot was a lot more tedious to me. I tried to enjoy it for what it was, and to some extent I'm sure I did, but really I just spent that time waiting for the story to return to Pug/Thomas.
Regardless, the two plots eventually converge, and it provided us quite an awesome showdown/finale to this part of the saga.
I for one will return to this world in its future books, mainly to see more of Macros the Black...
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