A review by carleesi
Voyager by Diana Gabaldon


Bloody hell
i forgot that Jamie rapes a teenager in this book. And it’s written like he did her a favour and couldn’t help himself??? Awful.

The fatphobia 😩 (p. 253, 262, 268, 670)

The fatphobia on page 670 in particular has stayed with me since I first read this as a teenager. The concept that the best advice a mother could ever give her daughter is “don’t get fat” is so completely horrendous. Bad mothering. Bad writing.

Rape myth/ victim blaming p. 256

Terrible racism on p. 268 that’s written as if Claire is meant to look better in comparison, even though she doesn’t actually call it out???

Chapter 20 reeks of a white person writing a black character and has even more fatphobia!

I just got up to Mr Willoughby and now remember why last time I read this series I swore I’d never read them again. This is so overtly racist it is incredibly difficult to read. The character is a stereotyped caricature who is treated like a pet by Jamie.

Chapter 35 is something else. Is Claire suddenly 13? Why the fuck would she run back to the stones, after acknowledging that another trip through would kill her, without having a proper conversation with Jamie? I mean one where they don’t just aggressively fuck.

WHY is a 30 year old man marrying a 15 year old and everyone is chill about it? Oh wait sorry no, they have problem with his birth and career, but the age diff is fiiiiine. “It was a different time” - okay but this was written in the 1990s sooooo

Chapter 53 is awful and rough and so unnecessary. Huge TW for enslavement, racism, sexual assault, violence, death.

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