A review by michalice
Falling to Ash by Karen Mahoney


Prior to reading Falling to Ash I had only ever read Karen's  other books, The Iron Witch and The Wood Queen.  When I first began reading Falling To Ash and Jace made an appearance  I had to know the back story behind them, so  purchased The Eternal Kiss and quickly skipped to Moth's story.  Back history learnt I continued on with Falling To Ash.
My first thoughts when reading were Moth freakin rocks!!!!! I love her spunkiness and her attitude and I love her interaction with Jace and how they banter with one another, when they are not trying to injure/maim/kill one another

Jace nudged me. 'So, is the silver on this knife going to be any good against that thing?'
'What are you asking me for?  We're not related, you know.'

Of course, with Jace being a hunter, and the son of a very well know hunter, it makes things hard for this duo to actually work together and try to figure out what is happening.  Initially Moth and Jace are just trying to find out what is going on, but when it becomes a more personal matter for both parties, it means business and both step up the pace to try and find who it is once and for all.
I really enjoyed the twist with Revenants and how they were made.  I was right there with Moth trying to figure out who it was and it wasn't until the last pieces fell into place, right when Moth realised the truth, that I actually realised who was responsible.

From the minute I began reading Falling To Ash I was instantly drawn into the world Karen has created, and although Falling To Ash has no planned sequel at the moment I would love to see more from Moth at some point in the future. For now I will have to satisfy my craving with Moth's own website, where Karen and the very talented C. Ellis are posting a webcomic focusing on the adventures of Moth herself. They post every Monday and Friday, just click on the picture below to find the page.