A review by hayesstw
Curfew by Phil Rickman


I just got a new Phil Rickman book for my birthday, called [b:Curfew|9888365|The Curfew|Jesse Ball|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320557971s/9888365.jpg|14780366]. I was looking forward to reading a new [a:Phil Rickman|182452|Phil Rickman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1292252234p2/182452.jpg] book, but when I opened it I discovered it was one we already had, but just sneakily published under a different title to con the public into thinking it was a new book, and so getting people to buy it twice.

Boo! Hiss! to Corvus for this dishonest and fraudulent practice.

And Boo! Hiss! to [a:Phil Rickman|182452|Phil Rickman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1292252234p2/182452.jpg] for letting them do it.

As The Byrds used to sing:

As through this life you travel\
You meet some funny men
Some rob you with a six gun
And some with a fountain pen.