A review by cfinnigan
Moonlight: A Queer Werewolf Anthology by Bones McKay


I love anthologies. In a very short space the author must world build, introduce characters and tell the stories. This anthology contains both prose and comics. The prose authors have an uphill battle since art can do so much heavy lifting in a story, but they rise to the challenge.

Werewolves are often creatures of horror, our body and mind changing against our wills. Not these stories, if they have a theme it’s accepting who you are. Themes of transformation are humorously turned on their head in HRTeeth by Bones McKay and Ursula Gray were a trans man embraces the change because there’s less gatekeeping in lycanthropy.

There’s some touching stories of acceptance especially in Daisy Champagne’s “Prom Date” and Dante Luiz and Catarina Joào “Three Blessings” my favourite. Often we wander the world thinking we are monsters because society disapproves of our body or desires until we can see our beauty through the eyes of another.

If you’re looking for less heavy themes they are here in abundance. We bounce from the moon, Wild West, and to the dark forest where we learn wisdom from an ancient wolf matriarch.

There is something for everyone. Check it out. It will ease you in to the world of comics