A review by grayduck
The Geeks' Guide to World Domination: Be Afraid, Beautiful People by Garth Sundem

Reviewed on 4/3/2009

Oh, this was a fun book. It’s like a Bathroom Reader for geekery. The trivia is delightfully nerdy, the puzzles and games are real stumpers that require a good amount of thought (and when figured out, a good amount of celebration), the stories are hilarious, and I personally felt a feeling of belonging and camaraderie reading about the geeky things that I love.

This book will be obsolete in a week or two (once word is out that something is superseded or proven incorrect, geeks everywhere will turn up their noses at this book and search for something current), and I'm sure that there are geeks out there already going through it looking for minutiae to bitch about. But it is fun and I would highly recommend it to anyone geeky enough to read my book reviews. Even just to flip through, it’s a good time.

PS - I disagree with the insinuation that "geeks" and "beautiful people" are somehow mutually exclusive, but I'll just chalk the title up to somebody in Marketing at the publishing company.