A review by reader_cheryl
The Tinderbox: Soldier of Indira by Lou Diamond Phillips, Yvonne Phillips


Long ago the planets of Indira and Mano were a single planet. Environmental catastrophe led to the single planet splitting into two, each uninhabitable for generations. Survivors orbited what was left of the planet in Astral Repatriation Communities until the planets were able to sustain civilization again. They returned to the now-two planets and that is when the real trouble began.
This debut novel by Lou Diamond Phillips is a complex, layered, and funny YA novel. The story seems straightforward enough—two warring families, generations of slaughter, and then the prince of one falls in love with the princess of the other. Marriage follows and then everyone lives happily ever after. But.
The book deals with race, inequality, privilege, the willingness to learn and admit mistakes, forgiveness, family, and new beginnings all within the framework of an ancient prophecy.
Indiran Prince Everson Raza is in a tough spot. He’s been left behind on the enemy planet Mano. Eventually captured, he’s given a task. He must go to the TREE and retrieve the Tinderbox, which is guarded by three DOGS. Failure means instant death. Success means death is a little longer in coming. (He is an enemy soldier on a hostile planet, remember.) Through his trials in the TREE, he learns of Allegra, Princess of Mano.
Allegra learns of Everson at the same time and from that point their futures are intertwined. As the time for the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy draws near, so does a final battle and the winner will take all.
My Thoughts
This is a fantastic book. Usually I have a hard time reading sci-fi. Usually, I just can’t get into the storyworld the author has built. But in this case, LDP has constructed a layered world that remains accessible. Humor is present throughout the book as well as hope. I was drawn in early on and had trouble putting the book down once I started. I highly recommend this book.