A review by aarmstrong37
Doomwyte by Brian Jacques


Brian Jacques fro years now has enticed readers with amazing stories from the world of Redwall. Telling history to future, and everything in-between. Doomwyte is yet another tale which follows those from Redwall as the search on a great journey to find stolen artifacts and rescue pleasant beasts. What strikes me as different in this book is the lack of outright violence and war.
Do not get me wrong, some of the great things about Redwall happen during sieges and war. Multiple times Jacques teaches about compassion and peace int solving issues, but this book shows a calmer side of Mossflower. The book does still contain battle and death, but in the long run it seems he creates a smaller death toll in this book than others I have read.
However, along with the lack of battles, the plot does seem a little bit more simplistic. Honestly there is nothing wrong with that at all, it rather suits this story well. It speaks much to the overpowering of our inner demons and how simplistic it is to fight our demons. This is paralleled rather well through the story as multiple characters fight off their preconceived notions and deepest desires.
Along the way we also get the lovely puzzling adventures of yet another Jacques riddled treasure hunt. These are always some of my favorite parts of his books, and what keeps me coming back for more. It’s fun to try and guess where everything is headed, even after reading many of his books he still seems to always be one step ahead of you.
This book is definitely worth the read, or in my case the listen. I find listening to his books is one of the most enjoyable experiences. He not only narrates it himself, and his family, but he also buts music to his lovely lyrics and poems as well. Making this book an enjoyable experience or the ears and mind!