A review by eeva
Reign by Katharine McGee


What do I even say about this book? I remember next to nothing about the past ones. On that note, the recaps of previous books interspersed throughout felt clunky and out of place, but they weren't unwelcome.

Having two amnesia plot lines seems too many. Let me tell you when I nearly threw my phone in frustration when it got to that part. However, I feel almost like a prophet in my rant review of Rivals where I said, "The ending was like a bad soap opera. A fake pregnancy to keep the boy you want from leaving you? A car crash that puts the queen on life support right before she tries to fix her relationship? All that's left for this book to do is have an amnesia plot line. Oh wait, that happened in the last book."

The amnesia with Beatrice felt repetitive. Not only meta-wise because another character, Himari (although Beatrice is a POV character), already went through it, but because her conflict felt like the second book all over again. Which it kinda was since she didn't remember anything from the past two books. She was going through that really recent grief of losing her dad all over again, she still loved Connor, she didn't love Teddy but eventually fell in love with him again, she was navigating being a Queen again.

That last bit of conflict with Beatrice where Teddy tells her that they'd been in an argument the night of her accident infuriated me to no end. What do you mean you "felt like the rug had been pulled out from under [you]?" Teddy simply said you two had been in an argument. Just talk it out like adults? Not run away from your problems? You're Queen, Beatrice. Act like one, please?

I liked Nina and Jamie's relationship. But only at the middle-end of it. Him kissing her when it was only the audition, and it wasn't planned beforehand was iffy. Like really weird. And then the contrived, short-term (one-sided) hate felt forced. But, Jamie grew on me. Perhaps the only relationship I really liked in this book. I still mourn the princess/guard romance we could have had with Connor.

I liked Sam's growth. I have no real opinion on her relationship with Marshall anymore. I find it funny that Liam's introduction was in a novella published separately. Was fully waiting for Sam and Liam to get together and for Marshall to see them. Guess not. Not mad about it, not happy about it. Just meh.

I even liked Daphne's growth too (despite my pure hatred for her in the previous books). Fully thought she was going to get secretly impregnated to keep up the pregnancy lie. In my review of Majesty, I was annoyed that Daphne didn't really get a character arc and said that, "I was expecting her to maybe condemn/blow up at her parents for pressuring her to marry Jeff." The scene at the end of the book with Daphne and her mom's was what I was looking for.

Also in my review of Rivals, I said that I hoped for a Jeff POV. I would like to rescind my wish. I don't think I'd be able to get through any hypothetical chapters delving into his mind. It would be the same thing over and over again. Daphne or Nina, Nina or Daphne. Grow a spine, Jeff. And then him having the audacity to show up, unexpectedly during the epilogue, hoping to "try again" and "start over" with Nina? I beg your absolute pardon? You stayed with Daphne right after kissing Nina and were hours away from marrying Daphne, my guy. You don't get a say in this. Also can't believe Nina agreed to go get coffee with him as friends. Nina, didn't you just tell him you couldn't be friends with him the night before his almost-wedding? Stick to your guns Nina. Drop him.

As much as this book annoyed me, it was certainly entertaining. Which is why it's getting three stars. Happy this series is over so I can finally be at peace.