A review by book_concierge
What the Body Remembers by Shauna Singh Baldwin


5***** and a ❤

This is an extraordinary book. The novel deals with the struggles to form Pakistan, when Muslims fought Sikhs and Hindus, and with the traditional culture vs the modern expectations. It is also a tale of woman and her place in the world. Roop is just 16 when she becomes the second wife of Sandaji (needed because 1st wife Satya is still barren after 20 years). How Roop grows and matures, how Satya descends to madness with jealousy and hatred are themes that mirror the division of India and Pakistan.

Our book club had chosen it months in advance, but our discussion took place one week after Sept 11, 2001. Couldn't have been more timely.

UPDATE April 2005
I read it again for a different book club, and got even more out of it.