A review by siavahda
Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst


W-what did I just read? What is this INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL THING?


Full disclosure: I have read Enchanted Ivy, Drink Slay Love, and Vessel before Conjured. I was already fully aware that Durst's mind is an amazingly original place; each of her books just DELIGHTS in breaking my expectations and defying the cliches. But while I enjoyed each of the other books tremendously (and I really do mean that - dryads! Were-unicorns! PoCs being possessed by gods!) none of them hit me quite as hard as Conjured.

Which has gone straight to the top of my favorites pile.

If I can be a little bit blunt, Conjured feels as though Durst has finally gotten into her stride. While each of her other books were very good, this one is brilliant. The language, the imagery, the magic, the characters - I could not put it down and resented extremely anyone who tried to interrupt my reading! I was dying to find out why Eve kept losing her memories, and what the secret was behind her magic. Durst kept me glued to the page with her typical layering of stories (nothing is ever as simple as it seems, or as you expect - despite the truly wonderful magic, Durst has a talent for making her stories very real and realistic). It could easily be the first book in a series, if she so desired - but the epilogue wraps the story up beautifully, so that I will be quite content for it to remain stand-alone (and that's another thing: Conjured is a stand-alone! A beautiful stand-alone! A rare and precious jewel when you can't swing a cat these days without hitting two hundred never-ending series'!)

Just - absolutely gorgeous, beautiful, and I can't WAIT to get my hands on Durst's next book!!!