A review by thebooktrail88
Gallows Drop by Mari Hannah


Visit the locations of Gallows Drop here: Grisly locations in Gallows Drop

Short early review of August:

I think this is the best Kate Daniels so far. I mean the others have been brilliant but this just takes things to another level. There is a lot more of Kate's backstory and how she has formed the team she has today. Her early days in the police force come to light and there are some real shocks in store.

There is also some of the most cracking dialogue I've read in a long while. So between me splitting my sides open on this, high-fiving Kate when she stood her ground and using a lot of energy hating one character in particular, I was exhausted by the end - but in a good way.

And OMG - wait till you get to the shock twist. I'm still hyperventilating...

Well today is the day of the full review as the book is out THIS WEEK ! Squeal!

Visit the locations of Gallows Drop here: Grisly locations in Gallows Drop

A hanging on an ancient gibbet in Northumberland provides one chilling case for Kate Daniels. Her toughest case yet.

I can honestly say that this is by far my favourite Kate Daniels novel so far. For many reasons – the premise of the crime is grim and unique, the characters really come to the fore and Kate’s past and her position in the police force is examined like never before. This is Kate in her finest hour – I actually cheered for her on more than one occasion. I even high fived Hank. I felt even more part of the team than I have done and boy was I bereft when the book came to an end.

Talking about that end – I was just about calming down after recent events and thought my heart beat was back to normal, when one line. ONE LINE brought it sky high again. Oh my god Mari! How am I going to wait for book 6. How could you do this to me? I am utterly shocked and did not see that coming. Bloody brilliant! High five to you too.

The Northumberland setting also comes into its own here and I was fascinated by the historical aspect of it and it was really unique to be able to mix history and heritage into a gripping crime plot like this. Mari Hannah knows and loves Northumberland and puts a very unique part of its past on the literary map here. Northumberland shines and what a visit north it is!

This book just shines on so many levels – regular faces are back – Jo and Fiona so personal trauma is a key part of Kate’s story here, but the biggest obstacle for Kate is Atkins. Is it possible to want to thump a literary character? I do not like this man one bit. But what a role he and his daughter Beth play here.

And can I just say something for the dialogue? Haha brilliant one lines, cracking North East humour and a warmth and charming cheek to it which just gets better with every book. I so want to meet up with Mari and see what happens when I ask for a Pina Colada..

Highly recommended.

You’ll be high-fiving Mari Hannah for writing Gallows Drop! Brilliant