A review by lalabristow
Bring On The Night by Jeri Smith-Ready


Previously Published by me on The Book Lovers Inc blog: Book Lovers Inc

Warning: Contains spoilers if you haven’t read the previous books in the series.

OMG I so love this series and Jeri has done it again, in spades! Bring On the Night is the third installment is the fabulous WVMP Radio series and it is the best one yet.

Bring On The Night starts about 2 years after the events in Bad To The Bone and things had never been better for our lovely Ciara Griffin and of course, that’s when everything goes downhill. A plague is spreading and the body count just gets higher, Zombies are showing up and Ciara’s life might end at any moment and there’s really nothing she can do about it.

I found myself gasping throughout this book, Jeri took Ciara’s story to a new level and I was completely shocked by it. However she has told me herself that she had it all planned since the beginning, so i can just say WOW! I did NOT see that coming and I can’t wait for more.
I love this series and the uniqueness that the author has brought to the Vampire table. Jeri’s vamps are so interesting because of their weakness. After being turned they tend to suffer from Temporal Adhesion, which is to say that psychologically they have trouble dealing with the changes the world has gone through and they tend to be stuck in the year/decade when they were turned.

The WVMP Radio Vamps are lucky because they DJ in radio shows that feature the music from the period when they died, that way they can have that connection with their past and are able to deal with the present much better. How cool is that? I love it and the fact that music is such a great part of the series too.

Ciara is not your garden variety heroine. She was raised by con artists and until the events in the first book of the series she lived on the road. She has grown and changed so much throughout these novels and in bring On The Night she is back better than ever.
Let’s not forget that our boy Shane is back, just as swoon worthy as usual. His and Ciara’s relationship really suffer and evolves in this book and it made for an amazing read.

Bring On The Night is an amazing addition to one of my favorite series ever and it definitely makes my Top Reads of 2010 list! If you haven’t read this series you cannot seriously call yourself an Urban Fantasy fan! Go out and get this series right now! If you have read the series and haven't read this book yet, Oh My, get ready for a wild and wonderful ride!