A review by michaeljmccann
A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century by Jerome Charyn


Jerome Charyn is an innovative writer whose passion for his subject matter--whether it be his native Bronx, Abraham Lincoln, or Emily Dickinson--is expressed in a style inimitably his own. In A LOADED GUN, as in I AM ABRAHAM, Charyn has conducted extensive archival research to provide his own sense of the inner life of a gifted individual. Rather than accepting what has been the conventional view of Emily Dickinson as an isolated woman crippled by agoraphobia and manipulated by a dominating father, Charyn sees her as a woman of passion and imagination who was very much in control of her own life. He describes her variously as "an alchemist," "an enchantress," and "a mistress of her own interior time and space".

A LOADED GUN and Charyn's previous work, THE SECRET LIFE OF EMILY DICKINSON, are not only fascinating in their own right, but provide an opportunity for a new generation of readers to discover the poet and her impressive work.

A LOADED GUN will appeal not only to readers of poetry, biography, and literary criticism, but also to all those seeking a refreshing read on a "conventional" life.