A review by frostbitsky
Twilight and History by Nancy R. Reagin


I really liked this book. I usually hate non-fictions books. I find them dull and boring. But writing about how Twilight fits in with real history was very interesting and informative.

There are different articles written by professors, teachers, authors and museum curators on various subjects.
I really enjoyed learning about dating customs in Edward's time. (Especially since I want to write a Twilight fic that takes place in 1918.)
Also learned about some history about the Quileute people, the Civil War (and how Jasper fit it), the Appalachian people and stereotypes and how they fit with Emmett, and the Italian Renaissance & Medici Family and Carlisle's history is a bit off because he turned during the beginning of the Enlightenment. They were not hunting witches in his time, nor were there sewers, nor did they know what a vampire was. There was also a great article on the history of vampires in myth and pop culture.

The most depressing article was the one that told what went on in the asylums and why women were committed there. It made me so angry. Alice being turned was a better fate.

I wish there was an article for Rosalie and Esme though. But there was one part that mentioned that Rosalie being a good mechanic and if she never turned that when the war came she would have worked in factories, like Rosie The Riveter. Weird coincidence with the name.

There are also two articles that compares Edward to Victorian fictional characters and Bella to Disney princesses. But also a third article pointed out that Bella always worrying about money makes her more like the man of the relationship. LOL

It is not a long read, 261 pages. And for any die-hard Twilight fan and/or history buff it is a really good, fascinating read with a good range of topics.

There is also a comparison timeline of human history and Twilight Saga history. LOL

Of course the book is just for fun. So what if Twilight doesn't follow all of history's facts? When it comes to fiction there is some literary freedom and "imaginary history" comes into play.

4 out 5 feathered inked pens