A review by barelybookish
The Rules of Enchantment by Wendy Tardieu


The first thing I want to say is that this book was a bit too fast for me. I think this story had a lot of interesting plot points and the world-building was definitely there. This book also had an interesting magic system, that allows casters to pick their words of magic, which I found very interesting. Honestly, I think that if the author wanted to, this book could very easily have been three books, with each trip up in the story being a cliffhanger for the next. I sort of wish that was the case, because I feel like we could have explored the world more and learned about these characters instead of just being told a lot of things about them.

The next point I want to mention is that it’s marketed as an “Erotic Fantasy Adventure Novel” and I feel like that misrepresents this book. Had it not been framed in that light, I wouldn’t have really thought anything about it, but in terms of smut, I wouldn’t necessarily super high on the list. One, it takes us a while to get there, and two, the scenes are not incredibly long. Did I mind them? No, I knew what I was getting into with the title. But, I did feel like the focus should’ve been on the world with the fact that the smut wasn’t super drawn out.

Overall, I did enjoy this book. It was a really quick read, and I read it in a little over a day. However, I wish it was a bit longer so we could get more world-building and possibly more smut in there.