A review by sammymantha
The Blackest Eyes: 2 Short Horror Stories by Adam Cesare


I received this e-book for free, and read it to get a sense of whether I'd want to purchase any of Adam's full texts in the future. I can safely say that, yes, I will be purchasing some of his longer works soon. While these two short stories were not the most exciting things I've ever read, the writing style was lovely and the excerpt from The Con Season is was a great hook.

"The Blackest Eyes": 3 stars. Not what I was expecting. I did like the end, and I really enjoyed the style, but I'm not sure Gloria's actions made sense to me.

"Me, Debased": 3 stars. Having not read (or even looked up yet) The First One You Expect, I didn't really know what to expect- and it was (maybe?) better that way. The story itself was good, a bit predictable, but interesting enough to not be entirely satisfied by the ending.