A review by wolfshine
The Book of Bart by Ryan Hill


Bartholomew is a demon from the seventh circle of Hell. When he’s brought back to Earth in a human body, he’s not sure why. When he’s contacted by Samantha, an angel-in-training, he’s tasked with a mission to find Gabriel’s shard before anyone else. The resulting adventure takes Bartholomew and Sam to high school where they must play as undercover teenagers. Turns out high school is hell after all.

This book…there are so many awesome things to say that I’m not sure where to begin.

Bartholomew (don’t call him Bart!) was definitely a character. He had such a big personality, it could hardly be contained. He was snarky, a jerk at points, but he was loyal and confident. More than once I laughed out loud at the things he did or said or thought. He is definitely one of my favorite fictional characters I’ve come across in any book this year.

His counterpart, Samantha, was just as interesting. As an angel in training, the banter between her and Bartholomew was just priceless.

I would love to see more of these two. Even though this audiobook is over ten hours long, I finished the book wanting more. This is one of the best paranormal books I’ve read in a while and the author is definitely a new favorite.

The narrator made Bartholomew’s snarky attitude pop even more, and I loved it.

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.