A review by alyce6d980
Daughter of Glass by Vicki Keire


First off I need to say a massive thank you to Curiosity Quills Press, for sending me an e-copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review, and for allowing me to be a part in the 'Daughter of Glass' Blog Tour!

This is one of those books that has an utterly intriguing, completely brand new concept, or at least it's not one that I've ever heard of.
To start with, I felt quite confused about the direction that this book was going in. Sasha is at an art gallery opening, celebrating the artwork that her mother created before she committed suicide. Sasha cannot feel any emotion, and she hasn't been able to since she was eight, on the day that her mother died. This is because her seven guardians: Anger, Desire, Guilt, Oblivion, Fear, Sadness and Joy, siphon her emotions away from her to allow her to keep them in check, meaning that she's only able to feel things for mere seconds at a time before they take them away from her. As you can tell by reading the synopsis above, this all changes when she meets Noah, an art fan who is also attending the gallery opening. Sasha can tell that there's something different about Noah, because for the first time in nearly a decade she is able to feel things.
The only real negative about this novel is the insta-love that Sasha and Noah experience. I can understand why - if you met someone and were able to feel things for the first time ever around them, I'm sure you'd fall in love with them instantly - but it just kind of annoyed me that Noah returned the feelings straight away.
However, everything else about this book was utterly genius.

Read the rest of my review here!