A review by w0nd3rl4nd
Batgirl, Volume 3: Mindfields by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart


This volume continues the battle for Barbara Gordon's mind from volume 2, except this time she has enemies where she least expects it. While that plot line was action packed, and emotionally grabbing, I was disappointed that the creators recycled the same story, but with a different villain.

The second story arc of the volume proved to be a little more exciting while still connecting the previous storylines of the first two volumes, I was still bored with it. Normally I can finish a volume in a day or two, but this volume of Batgirl took me nearly two weeks to finish, because of how boring these storylines were. A lot happened, and a lot of badass characters were introduced and utilized in exciting ways, but overall I felt like much of this volume's plots was "been there, done that."

I'm hoping the next volume proves to be better. With DC having a rebirth of all their comics, there is that potential, but from rumors and discussions I have had with friends who are reading the current issues, I'm not placing too much hope in an improving storyline.