A review by troilee
Demolition Angel by Robert Crais


This is not the best book I've ever read. It wasn't *bad* but in many places I simply hung on in order to get to the end. The story itself was interesting, but I had some issues with the style and characterization.

I felt there were entirely too many info dumps about bombs. Though I listened to the audio version, it seemed as though there were paragraphs and paragraphs about exactly what the bombs looked like, the composition of the explosives, etc, etc. I felt as though the author was very eager to convey the amount of research into bombs and bomb squads that he did. It became off-putting.

Te other major issue I had was with the main character, Carol Starkey. By the end, I liked her, but I can't say I ever really saw her as a woman. Nothing about her character made me relate to her. That's not to say she wasn't likeable or a good character. It's just to say that she seemed much more like the jaded male cop than a female one.

Another issue with characterization was the portrayal of other cops. Coming from a law enforcement family, the whining and backbiting didn't seem that realistic to me.

All in all, I did have some pretty big problems with this book. To his credit, the author kept the action going really well, with the exception of the info dump pauses. Many of the characters were interesting and the occasional twist and turn was nice. Though I will admit to having figured things out at about halfway through the book, perhaps 3/4. A little disappointing, overall.