A review by justlily
The Face of Fear by Brian Coffey


Excuse my French.

This book is fucking awesome. I've read so many mediocre books lately, I just want to throw this at all of those authors and say THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE A BOOK. This is how you write suspense so thick your readers feel nauseous. This is how you slowly, piece by piece, reveal the identity and motivation of The Big Bad at the exact perfect pacing. This is how you make your main characters fall in love.

This is how you write something worth god damn reading.

I was hooked from the very first page. It's been a long time since I read a book that made me lose track of time, but I looked up after finishing this and realized I had lost two hours somewhere in there.

The fact that this book is listed on Dean Koontz's WORST books...is insane to me. I haven't read much by him but if this is his poor work, I'm not sure I can handle the good stuff.