A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Audrey's Magic Nine Book 1 by Michelle Wright


I received a copy of Audrey’s Magic Nine Pt. 1 in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Audrey’s Magic Nine is one of those rare graphic novels where it fits multiple age groups perfectly. While it’s clear that it is intended for a younger audience, there’s also plenty of interesting elements to keep more mature readers interested (myself included).
I also think that this is the sort of graphic novel that’d be good to give anyone that’s struggling, either with school or their home life. Anything really. The main character, Audrey is the sort of character that you can easily connect to, and sometimes it really is helpful to see somebody like her going through so much and coming out the other side.
Audrey is an orphan, and she has gone from one home to the next. Some of them worse than others. But In this story she finally finds her permanent home, you see, Audrey has been adopted. That doesn’t mean that everything is perfect though. She’s got an incredibly imagination; so much so where sometimes it’s hard to tell if what we’re being shown is real or something she’s dreaming up.

I read the first volume of Audrey’s Magic Nine in one sitting. I just couldn’t bring myself to put it down. I was enchanted by the Audrey, and curious to see how her life was going to unfold right from the beginning.
The series starts off shockingly heavy. I’ll be honest and tell you that while I knew Audrey was an orphan before I started reading…I hadn’t expected to see her in a situation like that. It’s heartbreaking, but it was also a great move on the writer’s part. You see, it immediately forced us to care for those children. It also was the starting point of many events, all of which affected Audrey personally (and thus resulted in the tale we’re reading now).
Audrey is a creative person, and while she doesn’t speak much, it’s hard not to connect with her. We get plenty of opportunities to know her through her artwork. Her facial expressions also speak volumes – not that many of the adults in her life seem to actually be aware of that fact.
I found myself rooting for Audrey right from the beginning. It’s hard not to. Especially when one considers that it was her artwork that got herself and all of those children out of such a bad situation. I’m not sure if that would have worked in real life…but it’s nice to think that it would.
I love the different stories that were told during the course of this volume. Each character is so unique and full of life. I think these are the parts that children in particular would enjoy – though I had quite a bit of fun reading them as well.
I can’t wait to start reading the second volume. I know that it’ll surely introduce new characters – which means more fun stories to read!

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