A review by hyperashley
Masters of Time: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Time Travel Anthology by Alice Marks, H.M. Jones, Alesha Escobar, Devorah Fox, Timothy C. Ward, Samantha LaFantasie, Charmaine M. Young


Masters of Time is a collection of stories about time travel. I'm kind of on the fence about time travel my self, some books can pull it off and some can't. I think for the most part theses stories pulled the theme off well. Each story had a different way to go back or ahead in time which I liked, it would have been boring if they all had the same method.

All in all I liked these stories and I'm glad Alesha Escobar gave me the chance to read them. I think all of the authors are very talented and I highly recommend this book to anyone. Especially if you are a fan of sci-fi.

**Logan 6 by Alesha Escobar**
I give this 4/5 stars. I really liked this story, time travel and clones in one story come on what can be better than that?

I loved that even though Logan 6 was a clone of the original Logan, he was different. He thought for himself and was suspicious of his orders from his boss. He didn't just go running around in the future killing people because he was told to. I liked that the way the story unraveled and played out, it was very interesting. The ending was great and honestly made the entire thing worth reading.

**The Light Storm of 2015 by H. M. Jones**
I give this 5/5 stars. This was the cutest time travel story I have ever read. Gina and Ben, oh my gosh how cute were they. I always love when friends that have been friends for as long as they've been alive get together. I also love when a spunky girl falls for a farm boy, because opposites attract. I thought the way they time traveled was unique but weird. There just seems like there was no real way to control it, how did they know they would not end up in the jurassic era or something. It was risky but worth the risk in the end.

I wish they would there would have been a consequence to them rescuing saving a life that shouldn't have been saved though. Yeah, that probably makes me sound terrible because I was looking for something bad to happen but that's the rules of time travel. You can't change the past.

**End of the Road by Alice Marks**
I give this 3 stars.
It was difficult for me to get into this one. I think the overall concept of the story was cool but I don't think it quite made it's mark. I'm very much into the weird and this was weird but I wish it went a little further. The author did a fantastic job painting a picture (ha you'll get that joke if you read it.) of the time period. It was very clear when Maddie was in another time and that was important.

I liked Maddie though I don't feel like I had a good connection with her, I liked her. I would be ecstatic if I could walk through a painting, well a certain painting. I have a portrait of Hawaii and walking through the painting to get there seems easier than the whole airport nonsense.

**Turning the Tide by Devorah Fox**
I give this 2/5 stars. This was a sweet story don't get me wrong but it didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the stories. It's about a woman who is a writer and believes she can rewrite history and maybe make her ex-husband not be dead. Then make her current husband be more family oriented but maybe still be with his ex-wife. You know, create a happy ending for everyone. However then she may never meet either and she doen't think she could live with never meeting her husband(s).

**Starting Into by Timothy C. Ward**
I give this 4/5 stars. I really enjoyed reading this story and the way time travel was told. I thought this one was thought out very well and really made me imagine traveling through time. Andy wanted to save his girlfriend and the majority of the story is him writing a letter to himself. He is telling himself the way he thinks time travel works and how he has to go about making it happen.

This one was one of my favorites of this book even though this had the least amount of action. Anyone that knows me or has been following any of my reviews knows I'm a sucker for action. So I was amazed that I liked this one as much as I did but it was just so cute.

**The Ghost of Time by Samantha Lafantasie**
I give this 3.5/5 stars. I wanted to like this more than I did. I thought since it was thrilling that I would love it and just soak up every word but I didn't. I actually ended up getting lost in the story and it made me confused. I'm not sure confused is the right answer here, I had a lot of questions and they did not get answered. I realize it is a short story so all questions cannot be answered but it left me a bit annoyed

January is an agent and her mission is to kill her target, simple enough right? Well she gets injured and then knocked out. When she wakes up she is in the presence of two men Phoenix and Carson, one of which is her target. They explain to her that they were also agents and that all of them were being set up, but by who?

I'm a fan of both mysteries and thrillers and they go hand in hand together. That being said I think this story was too short for everything that it had going on.