A review by leah_reads
What a Girl Wants by Lindsey Kelk



*Received in exchange for an honest review*
*Thank you, Harper Collins*

This is the most PERFECT summer read EVER. I completely devoured it. There is no way that I'm ready to say goodbye to Tess Brookes and her friends yet. There needs to be more of this series. Please tell me there's going to be more Tess?! What a Girl Wants was the perfect read after Mental Health Awareness Month. It was light, fluffy, full of laugh out loud and cringeworthy moments - I really can't get enough of this world that Kelk has built. What a Girl Wants and About a Girl are such Sex in the City books, with the laughs, the drama, the ups and downs; it's absolute perfection. Kekipi is to Tess what Stanford is to Carrie. He is there to hoist her out of trouble and to make sure that she's appropriately dressed in this book just as he was in Hawaii in About a Girl. This is going to be the most incoherent review ever because all I can do is sit and clap with glee at this amazing book!

In What a Girl Wants Tess is back and as disastrous as ever. She is now confronted with the decision between setting up her own company with Charlie, or hopping over to Milan to pursue photography with Nick. This book was exactly what I expected for a sequel to About a Girl. It was equally as hysterical and consuming as the first and I found myself completely immersed in the world of Tess, Amy and the rest of the characters. What I love so much about this book is that the characters actually feel like your friend. Tess is constantly confiding in you, the reader, and it's tough to not feel like you're developing a very trusting friendship with her. This book sees Tess through even more tough times and decisions but they all end in such hilarity. Like I said in my review of About A Girl, I neeeeeed a Tess in my life.

Lindsey Kelk's writing style is one of my favourite things about her books. She is so blunt, so crude and so real. All of her characters talk like real people. There's no censoring characters conversations or thoughts. If a 'fuck' is appropriate or a 'cockwomble' is deserved then let it be said! It's something I definitely connect with with her work. Her characters talk similarly to how I talk to my friends. It's something that's so relatable, so fresh and so real. I really can't get enough of it. Her language and her way of writing is so easy; it just makes for such a quick but fantastic read. I'm eyeing my I Heart series as I type this!

What a Girl Wants is the perfect book. I'm not usually a big reader of 'chick-lit' or contemporary fiction but I can't help myself with Kelk's work. I love them. They make me laugh, they make me cringe and they take you on one hell of a journey. From London to Hawaii to London and potentially Milan, there's never a dull moment in these characters lives and I just found myself lapping it up. This is the most perfect read for summer; it'll leave you grinning and begging for more adventures from Tess Brookes!