A review by docpacey
Fathers and Crows by William T. Vollmann


William T Vollmann has asked his audience to join him on an ambitious journey, a dream journey, told in seven parts, of the settling of the north american continent by europeans, and the impact of their coming on the native peoples.
Volume II is immense, almost 900 pages retelling the jesuit incursion into Canada in the 17th century. From the earliest days of Champlain and the beaver trade, through the Iroqouis wars on the Huron peoples, the unrelenting decimation of the native culture is retold through the eyes of the rival priests and shaman.
In the hands of a lesser writer this subject could have been dry and torturous, but Vollmann's treatment of his characters, and his incisive prose carry the reader along the stream of time, through the rapids and into the swirls and eddies of this dream.

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