A review by heatheray
Everything Between Us by Mila Ferrera, Sarah Fine


This book hit so close to home. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for years, it was so bad, I was trapped like Stella. I wouldn’t leave my house except to go to my mom’s and to the grocery store (on a good day). I’m so much better, I am not crippled by the thought of leaving the house anymore, but I still have a few triggers: crowds are really hard for me, confrontations are bad, and having someone in my house that I don’t know really well still can push me over the edge. I completely get what Stella was feeling when she would have them. For me, my chest tightens (it literally feels like there is a band around my chest squeezing it tighter and tighter), tears start rolling, and I start to hyperventilate.

Mila did such a wonderful job portraying feeling and really showing that it is not because we don’t want to do these things, it is because we physically feel like we can’t. I know nothing bad is going to happen to me (most likely) in a crowd, logic doesn’t stop my chest from squeezing so tightly and it doesn’t stop my breathing from being too shallow, too fast.

I read something once. It said people who suffer from anxiety/panic attacks aren’t weak, it is that they have tried to be strong for too long.

That’s exactly how I feel.

I loved this book. It portrayed that struggle, the longing that we have to be “normal”, to be back to where we used to be – outgoing, fun, able to go out to eat without having a nervous breakdown.

I adored Daniel. He really wanted to help Stella once he understood her. The problem is that nobody else can make panic attacks go away. You can give support and understanding. You can be an ear during moments of frustration where we just want to scream. You can not make it stop.

Only we can do that.

We have to face our fears. There is no other way around anxiety and panic attacks. You have to face your fears. I obviously haven’t faced every single one of mine, but I have come a long way. I loved watching Stella go on this journey and while she went on hers, Daniel had one of his own, learning a bit more about himself. He ended up having some fears to face on her own.

Did she end up breaking through? Do her and Daniel make it? You have to read it to find out. It is definitely worth the read, especially if you suffer from or know someone who deals with anxiety.