A review by hollydoesstuff
Enter the Janitor by Josh Vogt


I met Josh Vogt at this year's ECCC. I was walking past him and he said, "hey what do you like to read?" and I was like PANIC! I LIKE LOTS OF STUFFS! But I think I mumbled, "fantasy." He proceeded to tell me about these characters, who clean up supernatural messes and it's funny, but dramatic, and action packed! And I was like, carrying my weight in comics and books already, so I promised him I'd get his ebook and here we are. Cool story, right?
I liked a lot of things in this first story of The Cleaners - the world building was pretty cool. The different types of magic were interesting. I think the hardest part was Dani's paranoia about catching things was starting to make me itch and wonder what things I could be contracting every day, shaking people's hands and riding so closely on public transportation. I mean, should I get some gloves?
Promising start. Will probably read the next one.