A review by rlisaacs
Forever Odd by Dean Koontz


I really do love Odd. Him and Dean Koontz who created him. I cannot believe I am only just now learning about these books and starting to read them.

So many things to comment on, but let me start with this one. Odd has such a dry sense of humor. Or at least, in my head, that's how I always hear it when I'm reading. He says things in such a serious or practical or calm tone, and yet it's the most ridiculous thing to be calm about, and I'm over here dying. (And I'm in a quiet office people. My coworkers might start wondering what's wrong with me. Oh, wait... they probably do that anyway.)

Moving on! Odd is always, without fail, trying to do the right thing. For his friends and the people he loves, as well as the spirits he sees that need to move on. He doesn't have a hateful or spiteful bone in his body, not even for the people who might deserve it. (I think Odd's opinion would be that no one deserves it, or at least that he certainly shouldn't be the judge of that. I love him!)

I love the trust he has in his sixth sense, even when it's not really something he can control all the time. He knows how it operates, when it operates, and if it doesn't, well... then he hopes it will kick in sooner or later, and in the meantime, I'll try this and hope it works out for the best.

I love how practical and smart he is. He thinks out, or at least tries to think out, all the possibilities that might come about given any action he might take. Sure, sometimes he still makes a slip here or there, but that just proves that even though he's supernaturally inclined a bit, he's still human.

Even as smart as I just said he is... I also love the fact that he didn't initially start the long trek of the journey in this book with a solid plan, other than following his sixth sense. He just knew he needed to go, and to go alone, and when he got there, he'd wait for fate, the universe, heaven... something to intervene and present him an opportunity to turn things in his favor.

I love how he's able to keep a level head even when he's frightened. He's a calm, cool, and collected customer. He also knows when to run like hell if it's called for, but he's also not afraid to stand still for a minute to get his bearings before he goes off in another direction.

I also love how much the people who know him love him back just as much as he loves them. His community of friends is like his own little found family.

I can't wait for the next book. I have no idea what's going to happen now, but I cannot wait to find out.