A review by ssejig
Dead by Midnight by Carolyn G. Hart


Glenn is in a hard place. He recently married, a woman barely older than his oldest daughter, Cleo. His children aren't happy, his sister-in-law who moved up to help raise the children has been pushed out, and his cousin, Richard, is back in town. Glenn's business is failing and Cleo's advice seems to be pushing money out but not seeing any more come in.
Pat Merridew was fired from Glenn's business when Cleo thought they needed a younger, prettier receptionist. She's furious.
Henny Brawley is a friend of Pat's who is also upset with Cleo. The woman got Pat fired and now is bad-mouthing her from getting new jobs. But Henny helps to get Pat a job at "Death on Demand." Which makes it unusual that Pat seems to commit suicide four days later.
Then Glenn Jameson is shot to death. But who benefits? Most mysteries would point you toward the young and ambitious second wife. But she doesn't seem to benefit from his death as much as his children as well as the partner he was pushing out.
As always, this book opened up way too many other mysteries that I want to read. Uff da.