A review by annashiv
Firebirds Rising: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction and Fantasy by Kara Dalkey, Tamora Pierce, Diana Wynne Jones, Patricia A. McKillip, Charles de Lint, Francesca Lia Block, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Sharon Shinn, Pamela Dean, Tanith Lee, Kelly Link, Alan Dean Foster, Sharyn November, Carol Emshwiller, Alison Goodman, Ellen Klages, Emma Bull


Read straight through. Naturally it was a mixed bag.

The Good:
The Real Thing - Allison Goodman - Had it's problems, but I she got one really awesome character in there, so that made up for the problems mostly.
In the House of the Seven Librarians - Ellen Klages - Really liked it up until maybe the end. It got a little weird, but didn't ruin it.
Perception - Alan Dean Foster - Probably my favorite altogether, though I'm not sure what it's doing in this anthology. None of the characters were really teenagers as far as I could tell. They were only ever described as young. Still, I really liked the idea and the execution.
The House on the Planet - Tanith Lee - I did struggle with this one at first. I thought it was kind of bland. That the character problems were typical and not at all interesting, but as the story progressed, it got better and better and I loved how it ended. It just brought everything together. I think I'd like it as a full book to be honest.

The Bad:
Huntress - Tamora Pierce - The most bland out of them all, which I found surprising as I like Tamora Pierce (what I've read of her before anyway). I think it was just the story rather than the writing that I just did not find interesting at all.
Unwrapping - Nina Kiriki Hoffman - This was fine, mainly because it was short, but just not substantive enough to be worth reading.
I'll give you my Word - Diana Wynne Jones - May just not be a ran of the author's writing as I didn't like Howl's moving castle all that much either. It's whimsical and fun, but I think the writing just isn't for me.
The Wizards of Perfil - Kelly Link - Didn't like the basis of the story, but written fairly well.
Quill - Carol Emshwiller - Weird dinosaurs
Blood Roses - Francesca Lia Block - this one literally didn't make sense

The Okay to Mediocre:
Little (Grrl) Lost - Charles de Lint - I enjoyed the first half and it was a captivating idea. Of course it's basically the first chapter of a book the author was working on or something.
Wintermoon Wish - Sharon Shinn - Actually really liked this one, but it was the most basic romance one would expect for teenagers. I think it was just the writing that brought this one down to be honest.
Jack O'Lantern - Patricia A. McKillip - Fine, but didn't really understand what the point of the story was if there was one.
Hives - Kara Dalkey - I actually kind of really enjoyed this one, but the character annoyed me. I liked that it was kind of Veronica Mars, but in a dark dystopian teenage world if that makes any sense.
Cousins - Pamela Dean - I liked this one a lot as well, it just got a little weird/too philosophical at one point for it to really be good. I liked the world - and of course I come to learn it's in the same world as several other published works.
What Used to be Good Still Is - Emma Bull - Bittersweet. I liked the relationship between the two characters and thought it was really sweet. I liked the town and the mountain and that we actually got a male point of view. (there were only two others in this whole anthology that had male POVs and this was the only romance. )