A review by katykelly
Fallout by Gwenda Bond


This didn't need to be a 'Lois Lane origin' story, it could have been any regular girl in any high school, snooping out a mystery. But of course, her name (and that of a famous co-star) will drum up interest. But taking off the cynic's hat - it actually works really well!

I like origin stories (I'm not a comic fan, but those from literature and TV), and was interested to see how this played out. Lois here is a teenager, moving from school to school with her dad's army job (he's a big deal corporal), but also taking less-than-glowing reports with her. She's nosey, picks fights and stands behind causes, and unafraid of authority. So far, so Lois.

She's also got a friend... an online one, who talks her through her regular 'situations'. Someone called 'SmallvilleGuy'. We can all see where this is leading. I loved this idea, and like the fact that the author wants them linked so early on, it gives a lot of scope for future stories in the series.

The plot centres around some unusual behaviour among fellow students at Lois's new high school, students who seem to anticipate each other's thoughts, move together as a pack, gang up on others in an online 'Worlds War Three' virtual reality game, as well as bullying and controlling them in the real world. Of course, Lois gets herself involved. And impressed one newspaper editor looking for teenage talent at the same time... one Perry White. The plot thickens.

I loved the familiar strands being woven together. The plot is a good one, exciting, contemporary and will be appealing to the teenage market. Hopefully, boys will be taken with the idea of the lovely Lois and also a young (not yet so Super) Clark in a small role and want to try this as much as girls.

Quite a funny read too, and Lois is as obstinate and strong a character as she is later in life. Lots of room for a whole series (possibly a TV series?!), and one to recommend to fans of the films/TV series/comics for ages 11-15.