A review by misterjay
The New Kings of Nonfiction by Ira Glass


In general, a great collection of articles, stories, and profiles from a wide range of sources and covering an even wider range of topics. There are several excellent pieces in here and if Ira Glass puts together another collection, I'll want to read it.

Jonathan Lebed's Extracurricular Activities - About a kid who was found guilty of securities and trading fraud; good 3/5.

Toxic Dreams - About a small town's fight against an environmental mess that turns out to not be very harmful but the town's economy has become too wrapped up in the fight to stop. Very good 4/5.

Six Degrees of Lois Weisberg - Fascinating look at how some people are connectors and how they influence those around them, spinning people into a web of patterns and intricate connections. Great 5/5.

Shapinsky's Karma - Interesting story of a painter and the Indian man who came out of nowhere to make him famous in the final days of his career. Great 5/5.

The American Man, Age Ten - From Esquire, one author's interview with a ten year old boy and the insights it gives her into men, American culture, and relationships. Great 5/5.

Among the Thugs - Excellent travel / gonzo journalism piece from an American journalist who went to Italy with a group of U.K. soccer hooligans and lived to tell the tale. I'd like to read the rest of the book. Great 5/5.

Crazy Things Seem Normal, Normal Things Seem Crazy - Odd interview with Val Kilmer. Good, 3/5.

Host - Interesting piece profiling a talk radio host; the story tries to find some separation between the real person and the host and, in the end, concludes that there may be no difference at all. Great, 5/5.

Tales of the Tyrant - Lengthy piece profiling Sadaam Husein in the days after the first gulf war. Good, 4/5.

Losing the War - Insightful and somber article on what WWII means to those who have only read the history; the article lays down a line, saying that those who have never been in war cannot understand it because those who have been are unable to define the experience in mere words. Great, 5/5.

The Hostess Diaries - Somewhat stuck-up piece about a cocktail waitress in popular nightspot. So-so, 2/5.

My Republican Journey - Funny look at Dan Savage's attempts to become a Republican in order to change the system from the inside. Good, 3/5.

Power Steer - Interesting piece detailing the life of a beef steer from birth through to steaks; the article does a good job of objectively stating the pros and cons of beef and, specifically, U.S. beef as an industry and as a food source. Great, 5/5.

Fortune's Smile - Great example of the journalist as the story; the piece tells the story of a journalist's entry into the World Series of Poker and how he almost won. Great, 5/5.