A review by allivenger
Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor


Karou is just like any other girl her age: she goes to art school, avoids her ex boyfriend who is still somehow hung up on her, and collects teeth for a demon in her spare time. Ok, so Karou is not like the other girls at all. She is actually quite beautifully written and unique and the world itself is beautifully written and vibrant.

Karou was adopted by a young age by a random cast of characters straight out of nightmares. But she is kept apart from the inner workings of the world around her, only given access to certain things her whole life. But when she follow's her father figure through a door she shouldn't she is cast out and unable to return to those she loves. Thus starts her quest to get them back by tracking down "wishes" in order to open the gates that are now closed.

But nothing is as it seems. Right in the middle of this is the angel Akiva, one of the beings responsible for the gates being closed. Karou is now in the middle of a millennia old battle between good and evil and the lines between the two are so skewed it makes your wonder who the real villain here is.

The second half of the book giving us answers to questions Karou has been asking since her birth was lovely as well. You got a bigger dive into the world itself and the past atrocities both sides have committed in the name of winning the war. I can't wait to read the second book and see what it has in store for Karou and Akiva.