A review by motherbooker
Read, Scream, Repeat by Jennifer Killick


It's very rare that you read a short story collection and enjoy every single one. There's always at least one or two that you don't engage with. There were definitely some that I enjoyed more than others but I think every story was strong. Each tale was different which made the whole collection so much fun to read. I can see this being enjoyed by younger readers. The stories are spooky and creepy but nothing too scary. There's a really nice balance and I can't see anyone getting too concerned by reading them. It's the perfect book for the spooky season.

Some of the stories were really sophisticated and went in directions that I wasn't necessarily expecting. There were plenty of classic horror tropes to enjoy and all of the Halloween favourites. We experience zombies, AI, demon carpets, werewolves, ghosts and much more. I think there's a great mix of different themes and the different writers have distinct approaches. I think it works really well and means there'll be something everyone enjoys.

This book features some of the biggest names in children's literature and there's plenty of great writing here. Even though they have different voices, I think all of the stories work well as a collection. It's definitely a fun and quick read for the spooky season. Some of the stories are a bit longer than others but they're still manageable. Not all of the stories have a full resolution which I also really enjoyed. Although, I know this won't work for everyone. 

Overall, I was really impressed with this collection of short stories. I don't think there was one that I wish hadn't been included. The stories are all spooky and have plenty of thrills. Yet, I don't think they're too much. It is a book that I think younger readers will love to dive into at any time of year.